Ordering & Delivery Process – It is easy to place your order, here is how you do it:


Select the products you want to buy, the products you select will go into your product basket where you will also be able to view all the products you have selected.


Once you are ready to “Checkout” you will need to fill in your details, oh yes Chick! The details you provide will enable us to process your order. The details we will need include your name; surname; email address; billing and delivery address; whoop-whoop you are almost done!


You will also need to decide on the payment method, either you can do an EFT transfer to our banking account or you can do the payment via Payfast with your credit or debit card.


If you selected the EFT payment method, please use your Order ID as the payment reference. Your order will not be shipped until the funds have cleared in our account.


If you selected the Payfast payment method, a secured payment page will open where you will complete the final payment via your credit or debit card.


The final step is for the payment to go through. Once this has been confirmed you will receive a confirmation e-mail that will summarise all the goodies you purchased including your invoice.


Packing and courier will take between 3-6 working days after ordering to allow our Creative Chicks to pack your goodies and for the courier to get the package safely to you.


We hope that the products you ordered bring a feeling of happiness overload!